Monday 6 October 2014


hello everyone,

my name is Aoife Lawson and I'm currently in Transition year in Wesley College.
I have been recently faced with the task of creating and designing a blog of my own, with the title headed "The Geography of.." and we are to decide ourselves what interest us enough to base our blog on. As you can tell, I have decided to create my blog on The Geography of Cosmetics. 

Now, for the reasoning behind why I chose Makeup. I think its safe to say I have a unhealthy obsession with buying makeup products, whether they are for myself or others. I love the rush of excitement that fills up inside as you make the very important decision of what product to buy, the colour, the shape, the brand, the quality, all very important things that must be considered while buying makeup, and I love it all. 

but do we ever stop to think where it all came from? when it orginiated? who created it and when? that is why i am writing this blog; to give you the insight to the background and geography of the world of cosmetics.

I hope you guys enjoy, more posts to come!

Aoife Lawson
The Geography of Cosmetics.

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